HSV International Primary School

Withdrawal Procedure (existing pupils)

We appreciate as much notice as possible before the withdrawal of your child once enrolled in our school.

Withdrawal in the current academic year: If children must leave school during the year, four school weeks notice must be given, in writing. A refund of any unused portion of the school fees paid will be made if a child leaves before the 1st of May. If less than four school weeks notice is given, then the refund will be calculated on a pro-rata basis. No refund for the rest of the current school year will be given for children withdrawn after the 1st of May.

Withdrawal for the following academic year: Existing families are asked to pay the first installment of the following school year by 1st May to secure placement. In the event that a family decides to withdraw their child after paying the first installment of the following academic year’s school fee, then prepaid school fees will be refunded with a deduction of an administration cost of €150 per child. We appreciate that places are cancelled for the following school year before 1st June at the latest to allow us to contact new families waiting for a place.

Click here to download the Withdrawal form.

When moving within the Netherlands or leaving the Netherlands, it is a legal requirement to inform the municipality (gemeente).