HSV International Primary School

Complaints Procedure

Complaints procedure

In the Netherlands, schools are required to deal adequately with complaints and objections from parents. The reason for this is that recognizing and acknowledging complaints and objections contributes to the quality of education. The majority of complaints about the day-to-day running of the school are resolved in mutual consultation between parents, students, team members and management. However, if this is not possible due to the nature of the complaint or if the complaint has not been dealt with satisfactorily, a formal complaint can be submitted through the complaints procedure.

More information can be found in the HSV Complaints Procedure

Contact person/Internal confidential adviser International Department

KSSYasmin Hager – yhager@hsvdenhaag.nl

Koningin Sophiestraat 24A

2595 TG The Hague

Telephone +31 70 324 34 53


NSL: Ms. Mary Rose Pinfold – mrpinfold@hsvdenhaag.nl

Nassaulaan 26

2514 JT The Hague

Telephone +31 70 318 49 50


VHS: Mary Rose Pinfold – mrpinfold@hsvdenhaag.nl

Van Heutszstraat 12

2593 PJ The Hague

Telephone: +31 70 205 11 41


VNS: Mr. Paul Fraser – pfraser@hsvdenhaag.nl

Van Nijenrodestraat 16

2597 RM The Hague

Telephone +31 70 328 14 41


Contact details of persons and authorities complaints procedure:


Contact Person Board Level

Stichting Haagsche Schoolvereeniging

Van Heutszstraat 12, 2593 PJ Den Haag

Telephone: +31 (0)70 385 76 85

Email: info@hsvdenhaag.nl


External Contact Person

Albert van der Zalm 

Postbus 53509

2505 AM  Den Haag

Tel: +31 (0)62 381 42 97

Email: info@albertvanderzalm.nl


National Confidential Adviser for Complaints

De Landelijke Klachtencommissie Onderwijsgeschillen

Postbus 85191, 3508 AD Utrecht

Tel: +31 (0)30 280 95 90

Email: info@onderwijsgeschillen.nl


Trust Inspector

Tel: +31 (0)900 – 111 3111