HSV International primary school in The Hague
Since 1986, the HSV International Primary School has provided primary-aged children with exceptional educational experiences. Generations of HSV pupils have enjoyed and thrived on the wonderfully diverse opportunities on offer at our school; opportunities that we always have and always will offer within the commitment to developing the whole child to become internationally-minded leaders. This is what we mean when we speak of ‘global citizenship, lifelong learning’.
We seek out quality teachers from around the world to nurture our children to become socially responsible members of society. In doing so, we help them to uncover talents, interests and values that not only prepare them for the next stage of their education, but which stay with them for life.
Our children come from diverse backgrounds with a rich tapestry of educational experiences, cultures, traditions and religions. It is our aim that teachers and pupils share and learn about these from each other. We reflect not only upon our differences but also our similarities. It is also important that our pupils have an understanding of the language and culture of our host country, the Netherlands.
One of the goals of the HSV is to make international education as affordable as possible. Click here to see more information about the latest school fees. An application for your child can be made easily through our online form.
I warmly invite you to experience what our tight-knit school – with its small learning environments yet globally focused education – has to offer.
Kind regards,
Lorraine Janet Dean
Director – HSV International Primary School